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Join me for a 100% free ground-breaking mastermind training and radically upgrade your mental toughness across the board in 60 minutes.



There isn’t a single aspect of your life that wouldn’t dramatically improve by being more resilient, antifragile and mentally tough. Imagine being able to:

Eliminate fear
Overcome any obstacle
Live a life of passion, purpose, and clarity.
Take off the shackles and destroy your competition!

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Exponentially enhance your mental toughness to encounter and triumph over any obstacle that gets in your way.

Optimize personal and business performance and maximize the odds that you can prevent or withstand any rogue attack or incident.

Develop a vigorous and bulletproof mental toughness regime to advance and reinforce your physical, mental, and professional success.

Better understand the costs and consequences of mental lapses and outdated thinking, and how to confront and address the blind spots calibrated to those realities.

Here's what you'll learn

The truth is, you’re either systematically getting better, improving, cultivating, growing. Or you’re falling behind. Getting outpaced by those younger, hungrier, better trained, and motivated. Stop hoping things will turn out ok. Stop depending on others. Start training today to be the person your loved ones and community need in this time of chaos.

In this free mental toughness workshop, you will learn how to:

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“Some things benefit from shocks; they thrive and grow when exposed to volatility, randomness, disorder, and stressors and love adventure, risk, and uncertainty. Yet, in spite of the ubiquity of the phenomenon, there is no word for the exact opposite of fragile. Let us call it antifragile. Antifragility is beyond resilience or robustness. The resilient resists shocks and stays the same; the antifragile gets better."

- Nassim Taleeb

Who is the Mental Toughness Masterclass for?

Ideal for any athlete that’s looking to step up their mental game and compete at a higher level.

Military and LEOs looking for an edge to make them unbeatable and unbreakable in any situation.

Business High Achievers looking to get that extra edge over the competition and separate themselves from the pack.

Anyone that wants to improve their mental game to be able to deal with the constant sling of arrows life shoots at our heads;

Those who already know the key to life is becoming antifragile, to be more resilient and mentally tough in any encounter or situation, but lack the real world, practical skills, and techniques to better themselves, their families, and their communities.

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“I just re-listened to the Week 2 call for the third time this week. So many game-changing gems packed in. I put Michael up there with Tim Grover, Tony Robbins and Jocko Wilink for people who have changed my life.


Sean D.

“My family is so grateful! They’ve told me how much more calm and confident I am and it shows at home and work. I’ve gotten everything I wanted from the Program. I know it’s me doing the work but I never could have done this without you giving me the map and tools. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Ben Stevens

“Frankly, I was blown away by the methods Michael taught. So many programs focus on one aspect of life and aren’t realistic. This was a comprehensive blueprint for success in every aspect of my life. It was so good that I’m enrolling my entire team at work in the next session.”

Jen Hassett


Don't ever be one of those people who allow their circumstances to define their outcome. That’s a victim. That's not us. We choose our outcome. And then we move hell or highwater to make it a reality. If that’s who you are or who you want to become, click the button below. 

Life doesn't happen to us. It happens for us. And we stay on offense. We live a life of design, not of default. Strength is a choice. Unstoppable is a choice. Growth and success are all choices.



CHOOSE to take the first step forward right now.



to discover the secrets we've already shared with thousands of high-achieving individuals.


Click ABOVE to register. This is a LIMITED TIME Workshop, and we'll have LIVE bonuses.

You don't want to miss it!

I’ve privately, coached, consulted and mentored hundreds of the highest caliber men out there, from Navy SEALS to top tier athletes and hedge fund traders.

Unlike the vast majority of Nonsense that’s out there on social media or other programs taught by people who have never accomplished or built shit, I talk it because I've walked it.

In my first life, I was a standout lawyer for one of the top law firms in the world. Then I spent two decades in finance as the top trader at several hedge funds before eventually starting my own fund where I managed a quarter of a billion dollars. I later wrote a bestselling book about my time on Wall Street and the personal trials and tribulations I went thru during the financial crisis called, “Confessions of a Wall Street Insider.”


And for the last few years I’ve been running one of the premier blockchain advisory firms in the world, all while doing leadership and resiliency training for some of the top financial firms out there.

I’d say that on paper I’ve competed and succeeded at the highest levels of corporate america, be it finance, law or technology.


What’s missing is the key resume gap in the middle where I went from having everything you could ever want on paper - running a successful hedge fund, 8-figure net worth, gorgeous wife, big house, 3 healthy kids….to being ZEROED out in an instant. In a single instant, I lost everything. My job. Career. Savings. Reputation. Marriage. And ultimately, my liberty. It was a 7 year nightmare I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.


I dare say that there aren’t many people who have had their lives smashed to pieces in their 40s, and are forced to start over with nothing but a big fat Scarlet Letter on their chest. In the age of Google and when you’re splashed all over the NY Times and Wall Street Journal, the chips are stacked against you. With no credit, no job, and a reputation in tatters, I realized that if I was going to make something I would have to do it entirely myself. After all I was radioactive - unhirable by most firms out there...and that part was absolutely liberating. I had a very POWERFUL WHY - my 3 young children, and knew nothing was going to stop me.

In the 6 months after I walked out of prison, I wrote and co-developed an unscripted series for television, wrote and produced a major studio documentary, finished writing my bestselling book, and started a real estate investment firm. In 3 short years after walking out of a literal hellhole with nothing but the shirt on my back, I had rebuilt myself financially...and I did it all while spending a ton of time with my children and re-establishing the most important relationship in my life - the bond between a father and his children.

You see, I had walked through the Furnace of Adversity....and I came out on the other side hardened.

The government did everything in its power during this time to break me - mentally, financially, physically…just like they do everyone who gets caught up in corrupt clutches of the criminal justice system. And I took everything they could throw at me, walked through that Crucible and I survived. When you’ve been through that cauldron, it makes everything else you tackle seem like child’s play.

In my 30 year business career, I’ve led high performing teams, been an individual contributor on high performing teams, coached and mentored teammates, and consulted with dozens of small businesses and startups. After founding and running 4 multi-millionaire dollar businesses, my mission at this stage of my life is to exponentially transform, serve and empower others, so that together we can change the world for the better.

A highly sought-after expert on disruptive
innovation and exemplar of American Resilience.



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